Year Built
Official Number
Avondale Marine Ways
General Type
General Cargo
Specific Type
Break Bulk
Ship Length
540.00 feet
76.00 feet
Mast Height
143.00 feet
Net Tons
6320.00 tons
Gross Tons
10950.00 tons
Cargo Capacity
54033.00 square feet
Draft, Summer
22.00 tons
Draft, Lightweight
12.60 tons
Displacement, Summer
21840.00 tons
Displacement, Lightweight
7178.00 tons
Immersion, Summer
69.00 tons
Immersion, Lightweight
54.00 tons
Still in Govt. Service

Historical Narrative

Cape Bover is a break-bulk cargo ship, built for the Lykes Brothers Steam Ship Company in 1967 as Frederick Lykes

The Maritime Administration purchased the vessel in 1989 and renamed it Cape Bover.  Part of the Ready Reserve Force (RRF), it was anchored in the Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet until 1990, when the Maritime Administration shifted it to a lay berth at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in San Francisco. While part of the RRF, Cape Bover engaged in cargo operations duringOperation DESERT STORM. 

In February 2004, the vessel was downgraded to the National Defense Reserve Fleet retention program where it is currently in logistic support status as a source of major equipment spares for the training ship Kennedy (ex-Cape Bon).  Its three sister ships, the Cape Breton,  Cape Borda, and Cape Blanco, are in a non-retention status.

Vessel Name History

1967 - 1985: Frederick Lykes
1985 - present: Cape Bover

Photo Captions

1.) Cape Bover, with tugs.  MARAD file photo.
2.) Cape Bover, dockside.  MARAD file photo.
3.) Cape Bover, dockside.  MARAD file photo.
4.) Cape Bover, in the Suisun Bay Reserve fleet, bow view.  MARAD file photo.
5.) Cape Bover, in the Suisun Bay Reserve fleet, stern view.  MARAD file photo.

Vessel Name History




No Mission for this vessel

Historical Documents

No documents for this vessel


Event Date Content
Ship Name Change
1/11/1985 Ship FREDERICK LYKES changes name to CAPE BOVER
Interim Movement
5/8/1997 Conducting bay trial
Interim Movement
5/8/1997 Completed bay trial
Interim Movement
3/19/1998 Conducting activation sea trial
Interim Movement
3/20/1998 Completed activation sea trial
Interim Movement
12/9/1999 No Turbo Notice Activation seatrial 00-1
Interim Movement
12/10/1999 Completed TA 00-1
Interim Movement
2/25/2002 ENRTE: San Francisco Drydock
Interim Movement
2/25/2002 At San Francisco Drydock
Interim Movement
3/12/2002 ENRTE: Alameda Point
Interim Movement
3/12/2002 Returned from San Francisco Drydock
Interim Movement
3/20/2002 Maintenance Activation sea trial
Interim Movement
3/22/2002 Completed Maintenance Activation S/T
Interim Movement
7/17/2003 New Homeport is SBRF

Ship Imagery

Status Cards


No documents for this vessel


No documents for this vessel

Shipwreck Information

No ship wreck information for this vessel