Vessel History Database will be unavailable from 12:00 AM to 7:00 PM ET on Saturday, March 22nd, for server maintenance.

MARAD Vessel History Database

This database includes information on more than 12,000 vessels that have been or are still part of the Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) National Defense Reserve Fleet and Ready Reserve Force . It also includes information on vessels that were at one time owned, operated, or in the custody of MARAD and/or its predecessor agencies; those which sank while operating under lease, charter, or requisition of the U.S. government; and foreign vessels that sank while carrying U.S. government cargo. Most vessel entries feature one or more images of vessel status cards. Vessel status cards document the ship’s career in government service. The following information is also presented, where available:

  • Vessel Characteristics, such as year built, builder, former names, and vessel dimensions
  • Milestones in the vessel’s government service, such as acquisition and withdrawal dates
  • Histories of select vessels
  • Vessel Images
  • Vessel Cards, index cards which provide information on vessel ownership, operation, fleet lay-up, and sales
  • Other Associated Documents, such as National Register Eligibility Assessments, Memoranda of Agreement, awards, citations, or other reports

Ship Listing